What if...
you could wake up refreshed?

Can't Sleep at Night?
My course "Sleep SOS" is where I reveal all my hard-won secrets to nurturing healthy sleep/wake cycles. Drawing from my personal experience as a "night owl" as well as cutting-edge research from leading sleep experts, I share what works. 

My mission is to help you sleep well...
so you can function well... 
so you can live well. 

Sound Familiar?
Maybe you can relate:
  • Are you tired of being tired because you didn't sleep well last night?
  • Do you feel anxious about how long it takes you to drift off to sleep?
  • Does "lights out" send you into "busy-brain" mode?
  • Or maybe nightmares are disrupting your sleep? 
It's time to change all that! As a bona fide "night owl" who has spent many nights staring at the ceiling for hours, I've got you covered with my course "Sleep SOS: catching some ZZZ's so you can get your life back!

This course systematically walks you through:
  • How to ease your brain into "sleep mode" for the evening
  • What to eat (and when) for sweet sleep
  • Easy relaxation hacks to do at bedtime
  • How to silence the internal chatter so you can get some sleep
  • Pictures of adorable sleepy cats and dogs ;)
  • ...and more
BONUS Sleep Tracker: You'll also get my Sleep Tracker for noting your sleep patterns and the factors that impact them. 

BONUS "Rest Reset": If you dread bedtime because of nightmares, you'll love my exclusive "Rest Reset." Use this simple process to restore your sense of security within minutes. 

I only wish I'd known all of this decades ago. After years of sleeplessness, now I know how to set myself up for success in this area. This makes a huge difference in my physical health, my mental game, and my sense of satisfaction with my life. 

Also, I support this course in a dedicated Facebook community, so you always have a way to connect with me and get answers for any course-related questions you may have. 

By the way, you get lifetime access to this course - including any updates I may release. So, you'll always have full access to any and all additions and upgrades - at no extra cost. (Because that just seems like the right thing to do.) 

Although my course is valued at $97, I love keeping things super-affordable. So I'm making it available for 
only $27(I know, it's crazy - but I love a good deal.)  

Are you ready to catch some ZZZ's? Let's get started! 

What People Are Saying...


Due to the nature of this digital product, all sales are final and no refunds will be possible after purchase. 

Copyright Tania Brown