About Tania

I am an artist and a healer, and
I am an artist in healing.

It seems that the threads of my life are interwoven through
and around both art-making and healing of the soul.

My passion for art emerged early,
as young as four years old.

As a visual artist, I seek to release something from Heaven through my paintings. As a believer, I love connecting with God's presence and accessing revelation that changes our lives for the better. 

And while I appreciate classic Christian symbols such as lions and lambs, I also enjoy moving beyond them to discover my own symbols for proclaiming God's glory and lovingkindness. 

Take dragonflies, some of God's most exquisite creatures. It turns out, they also represent new strength after a hard battle. So maybe it's not surprising that I sometimes paint them. Look through my art, and you'll see other motifs I find meaningful.


My passion for emotional healing
developed gradually, 

as my life experiences compelled me to first seek it out for myself, then explore how to help others with their own healing.

My search led me to Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT), a gentle new inner healing modality. AFT changed my life. So much so, that I invested in certification so I could offer it to others.

With AFT, I help women dissolve their most challenging feelings and thoughts - without talking about what caused them.

I also offer courses to further support women in their journey towards a life they love.

May you receive something from Heaven today.

God loves you and desires to strengthen you. He does this in so many ways, whether through art, inner healing sessions, or simply a kind smile from a stranger. Whatever that looks like for you, I pray that you will be encouraged today and every day. 


Copyright Tania Brown